Sodium Alginate 250mg + Sodium Bicarbonate 133.5mg + Calcium Carbonate 80mg Suspension – FLOSCON Suspension

Sodium Alginate 250mg + Sodium Bicarbonate 133.5mg + Calcium Carbonate 80mg Suspension – FLOSCON Suspension

Sodium Alginate 250mg + Sodium Bicarbonate 133.5mg + Calcium Carbonate 80mg

FLOSCON – Triple-action formula for heartburn and acid reflux relief .

FLOSCON CompositionSodium Alginate 250mg + Sodium Bicarbonate 133.5mg + Calcium Carbonate 80mg
Sodium Alginate forms a gel-like barrier on top of stomach contents, preventing acid reflux into the esophagus, Providing quick relief from heartburn and discomfort caused by GERD, and protecting the esophageal lining from acid damage.
Sodium Bicarbonate : Balances pH in the digestive tract and prevents acidosis during bowel preparation.
Calcium Carbonate – Calcium acts as a long-acting antacid and helps in acid neutralization Calcium carbonate helps in maintaining optimal bone density and strength.
Sodium Alginate 250mg + Sodium Bicarbonate 133.5mg + Calcium Carbonate 80mg combination helps in the management of conditions such as GERD, heartburn, GIT distress, abdominal pain, and indigestion.

Recommended by specialists
Gastroenterologist:- For managing GERD and other acid-related conditions
General Physician:- For occasional heartburn relief
Gynecologist: – Safe to use for pregnant-induced heartburn
Dieticians/Nutritionist:- To manage diet-induced acid related issues

Key benefits of FLOSCON Suspension
Rapid and longer action :- Sodium bicarbonate provides rapid action, while calcium carbonate provides long-lasting acid neutralization.
Barrier formation :- Sodium Alginate forms a gel-like barrier on top of stomach contents, preventing acid reflux into the esophagus.
Safe for Short-Term Use :- Commonly recommended for occasional symptoms of acidity and heartburn.
Safe to use in pregnancy :- Sodium alginate forms a raft in the stomach that is safe for use in pregnancy.

Postprandial indigestion
GERD in Pregnancy


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